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Monday, October 24, 2011

A Wonderful Tool For Losing Weight

Hi all,

I registered today on this website, and loved it so much that I am sharing.
My personal trainer (don't get excited, it was a one time gig) recommended it to me. She said that some of her clients, who did not succeed in losing weight for a long time, used it and it worked for them.
You register on-line, and write your age, height and weight plus your weight loss goals and level of activity. In a matter of seconds, it caculates how many calories you need daily. But that's not all. It has a diary where you can record every food you eat, including the brand name. When you put the food in, it will break down it's nutritional value to calories, carbs, proteins, and fats. it will let you know how much you have left of each category for the rest of the day.
What you actually get, is an honest picture of what you eat daily, and where are your weakensses. My trainer told me that since she suffers from a certain desease, she found out that she ate too little. When she increased her carb intake, she lost weight!
I can tell you that from one day of recording I can learn that I eat food which is too high in protein (24 grams) and fat (some of it surprised me that it has protein in it- such as rice), and too low in carbs.
It also has a cute way to keep your water in take in check.

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