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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Year, New Decisions

As many of you know, last week was the Jewish New Year. Ususally people tend to make their new year resolutions on January, which is a depressing and cold month, totally unfit for big decision making.
So this year, yours truly decided to go with the Jewish calendar,  make one Rosh Hashana decision and try to stick to it.
I won't exhaust you with the process, let's jut say that white smoke was seen only after I committed to making this year healthier.
I am trying to change my family's (and my own) eating repertoire and make us healthier food, introduce new ingredients, read a lot about cutting-edge research of nutrition, and use some common sense.
I will test the food on myself and my family, and see what the results will be. The winning recipes will be shared with you.
I am not going to cheat, at least not without admitting I did.
You are invited to follow my journey, comment, encourage and give nutritional info you gathered along the way.
So off we go!    


  1. I hear you! We just returned from Israel, tried so hard to keep my healthy eating habits going, but found myself s-l-o-w-l-y going downhill, coming home a good few pounds overweight and a belly full of humus, pita, borekas and couscous! So now I'm getting back on track..ach...Looking forward to your posts!

  2. Love to be your guinea pig, hit us with your experiments.

    Guy D
