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Friday, October 7, 2011

Rulles Of (Healthy Eating) Engagement

Once I decided on eating healthier, it was only a matter of time for me to try to make sense of all the material I have been reading about nutrition.

Don't you think it's the weirdest thing in the world that every animal on the planet knows instinctively what it should or shouldn't eat except humans? The smartest creature on Earth begins to sound more and more stupid.

I took three main approaches:

Let's look at what chimpanzees eat because they are the closest to us genetically (97%).

Let’s see what scientist say about food preventing illnesses and being your “real age”.

Let’s use some common sense and try to listen to my gut, see how I feel after eating or not eating certain foods.

It was quite confusing but here’s what I came up with:

1)      Drink a lot of water – 10 -12 cups daily would be great. 8 would be sufficient.

2)      Have lemon juice in the morning. And no: coffee, tea, juice and soda do not count.

3)      Eat alkaline food as much as you can, and eat acidic food as little as possible.

Some of the foods considered to be alkaline might surprise you because you would perceive them as acidic, such as lemon. This is the most important diet doctors give people who had cancer.

4)      Eat a lot of greens, vegetables and fruit. Chew well!

5)      Eat whole grains. If you can sprout them, you will do your body a nutritional favor.

6)      Reduce your red meat intake; Eat fish at least twice a week.

7)      I am not sure about my attitude towards milk products yet. Such a huge debate!

Is cow milk which was intended for her calf good for adult us or not? I am leaving it in the air right now. Let’s say I have almond milk and regular milk in my fridge right now.

8)      Sugar? Nope. Splenda etc’? Even worse. Let’s stick with maple syrup, honey, and no thank you, I take mine without anything.

In order to measure myself against those rules, and see what needs improvement, I will record anything I put in my mouth for a week. Please join me when I reveal my results. I’ll be more than happy if any of you would write a diary too, and share.

The family corner:

For my family, I am not that ambitious. If I will be able to have them eat food they love and I know is healthier, I’ll be happy. As I go along the way, I’ll share the recipes I have experimented on that got their seal of approval.

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